Polish Document Translations – Diplomas And Certificates In Central London
We only work with the best linguists around the world, ensuring 100% quality and unbeatable completion time
A University Diploma (Degree) is a very important document, it is a certificate awarded to each student by a Polish education institution (high school, university or college) which certifies that the student successfully completed certain study courses, and confers an academic degree.
If you want to start your studies abroad, or if you need confirmation of your qualification for your new employer, or for any other purposes, you will be obligated to translate all your educational documents from Polish into English or vice versa. In some countries, such as the United Kingdom, the internal laws ask a qualification holder to legalise their document before taking it abroad. Legalisation of a document by the relevant authorities in the country in which it was issued increases its credibility. If you are looking for experts in that field, this is the right place! We can legalise and translate your Polish diploma into English and we can deliver an accurate and professional translation of the required document for you.