
Business Document Translation In Central London

Document Translation London
Translation Agency London
Translation Services London

We only work with the best linguists around the world, ensuring 100% quality and unbeatable completion time

Our Services

DocsBase Specialised Translation Agency in London, offers high quality business translations to and from any language. Our company only employs fully trained and certified U.K. based translators with many years of experience. Our translators are native speakers of the target language and also have very good knowledge of the business culture of the source languages. Our translators specialise in various specialised areas of business, which enables us to provide high quality business translation and for any language pair.

Why Use Certified Translators?

Many organizations that try to penetrate foreign markets face much difficulty in getting their message across to their customers. Professional business translation is the answer to this. Business translation can be required for different reasons, from translating business correspondence, to commercial offers and contracts.

One of the most important things for business translations is experience and knowledge of the business document formats used in various countries across the world. Our professional translators have vast experience in business document translations and know the accepted formats of the target markets. They have access to resources in the target language where they can obtain required new formats and are always up to date with any changes.

Business translations always take into account the formats, styles and terminology of the original document. It is the professionalism of the business translator which determines how well the counterparts will understand each other and will ultimately increase the chances of success of the future or existing business, in London or the rest of the world.

Our Promise

Our quality assurance system guarantees that all business translations are proofread by professional editors or proof-readers specialising in the particular area. Our editors pay special attention to styles and formats used in business translations.

DocsBase Specialised Translation Service, regularly provides business translations of charters, business plans, incorporation documents, presentations, business correspondence, reports, tender applications and materials, instructions, etc.

Customers frequently require business translations in the following cases:

  • Company incorporation
  • Opening and running branches in foreign countries
  • Tender applications and documentations
  • Loan applications
  • Signing international contracts
  • Preparation of statutory and registration documents
  • Drafting contracts
  • Bank documentation
  • Financial documentation
  • Accounts
  • Powers of Attorney

Please do not hesitate to contact the DoscBase Specialised Translations office in Central London to find out more about getting a quote for a certified translation of your business documents.

When CTS receives a request from a client, the requested service is logged on to our system with the full details of the request including:

Book a now and get 10% discount first order

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